Monday, December 22, 2008

Feliz Navidad!

In our annual tradition, the family spent Christmas in Coral Springs with Titi Hilda, Tio Freddy, and Nana. Cousin Val has a new dog named Gigi and I loved chasing her around the house. Everyone came over on Christmas Eve for dinner and, as usual, we gathered around for our Chinese Kris Kringle. Mami introduced a new guessing game that her friend Uncle Dan did with his fifth graders. Let's just say no one in the family is "smarter than a fifth grader!" Heehee!

On Christmas morning, there were tons of presents under the tree. We opened gifts and had a big breakfast. I played with my cousins Venessa, Val, Jose, and Sebastian. Papi and I made bubbles and watched the guys play baseball, although some parts didn't resemble the baseball Papi watches on tv.

The next morning, we went to the beach with Tita to watch the seagulls and play in the sand.

When we got back, I caught up with my cousin Anthony. We make great playmates!

I'm Two!!!

At the beginning of this month, I turned the big two!!! On Wednesday, Titi Betzy, Gabby, and Anthony came over for dinner and we opened presents. That Sunday, lots of my friends came over for a mouse-ka-party! Mami and Papi set up lots of toys for us to play, including a basketball hoop, and even had a Mickey Mouse CD to play the songs that I love. We had hot dogs, fruit, and Mami decorated a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake all by herself.

My cousin Anthony and I enjoying cake!

The mouse-ka-party play area (aka. the backyard with all my toys thrown around)

Mami's Clubhouse cake (she said it would be Publix next year!)

Mami stealing a birthday boy kiss

Mami and Papi with the birthday boy that refused to smile

Later in the month, I had great visits! Grandma Rosa visited for a couple of days and we took her to see Christmas lights. Tita came to spend a couple of days and we went to take pictures with Santa. Although Mami said he was the best looking Santa she'd ever seen, I was a little skeptical. I did manage to give him a high five before I left.

We met Nina, Tio and Soleil there and I stole a little kiss and some hand-holding while we walked in the park. Mami said I was a romantic!

Grandpa will visit us after the new year and I can't wait to show him my batter's stance and my pitcher's wind-up. Papi and I have been working on it for weeks.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Back By Popular Demand...

Yes, it has been months since our last update, but it has been quite an eventful summer.

For those of you that hadn't heard, the Roman household grew by five in April. Wait! Don't get nervous. We were just lucky enought to have Titi Joby and her family move in with us for a while. That's right- I had my three cousins (yes, three! Daniel Michael was born in August!) to play with every day, and Mami had her sister to crack up with and borrow shoes from. It was a little piece of heaven, and a whole lot of milk and diapers in one house!

David, Michaella, and I posing for a cousins pose. Daniel had not arrived yet!

Mami became our daily jungle gym. Can you see her under there?

Our summer was full of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, library story time, play group, trips to the park, and lots of lessons about sharing and soft touches. Titi Joby and Mami became masters of mutli-tasking (even more than normal) at dinner, play time, bath time, and they had an incredble routine going. Not to mention that the three cousins (with Daniel looking on from the sidelines) enjoyed every second together. There was rolling, playing, singing, counting, storytelling, and each day ended with night-nights, hugs, and kisses. For David's birthday, we went to Lowry Park Zoo where we played in the water, and fed the animals. We had a blast!

Last week, the Darbouze family went back to NY. Though the house has been a lot more quiet, it has not been less eventful.

I moved into a big boy bed, and as usual, I rocked! Mami and Papi were very excited, despite the middle of the night, where-the-heck-am-I sessions the first couple of days. Now, however, despite once finding me asleep in the center of the floor, I'm a pro! And, thankfully, I sit up and call until somebody comes to get me. Mami and Papi think I haven't figured out that I can get out of the bed by himself...yet! I'm just keeping them guessing!

I have not stopped investigating and exploring this big world around me. I want to figure everything out and do everything by myself. Well...I can try!

This getting dressed thing seems a lot easier when Papi does it.

I am also learning so much. I've even learned how to count to ten! Well, sometimes I skip, but only when I'm in a hurry.

We are in the process of planning my 2nd birthday on Sunday, December 7th. I'll get together with some of my playmates and we'll have lunch, play games, and do lots of "hot dog" dancing (like my buddy Mickey Mouse!). We'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mickey Craze!

Little Ricky has discovered his first obsession. This summer he began his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse craze, and thanks to Titi Harmony (aka Madrina), he has a brand new set of Mickey pajamas. The show comes on every morning at 8:30am on the Disney Channel and no matter where he is, he will come running. Slowly, he has learned how to chime in during the intro and songs, how to answer when Mickey asks a question, and has even adopted Goofy's dance during the ending hot dog dance (although Papi swears he has learned the timeless wop). Who knows!

Here is the Clubhouse intro song:

And the ending "hot dog" dance:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Little Man!

Look at what I can do these days- the concentration, the form, the artistic expression! See? I know I'm supposed to be doing something with my fingers, but I'm still trying to figure out what.

Anyway, I am growing up really fast and am intent on proving that I can do things just fine on my own. Mami and Papi follow me around all day commenting on all of the things I shouldn't pull, push, climb on, chew on, throw, take apart, put together, etc. But I think they'll let up if I just prove that I can handle my own around here. So, I've started helping out wherever I can.

I'm learning how to fold the laundry...

I can find my towel all by myself and race to the bathroom for bath time...

and I even try to do some household chores.

Other than that, I am keeping quite busy. I hang out with my best friend Soleil at least three times a week. We go to Weeplay (our weekly playgroup), visit the donkeys on our weekly walks, play in the park, and hang out at the gym while Mami and Titi Harmony find their "center" in their yoga class on Saturday mornings.

We've even given musical concerts in the bathtub.

On Easter Sunday, Soleil and I met to discuss what new kinds of trouble we could get into together...

She's very demanding and opinionated, and doesn't hesitate to tell me that her ideas are fantastic.
I listen carefully and let her have her say. Papi says I'd better get used to it.

Mami and Papi seem to be having fun with me, although sometimes I wonder if they can keep up. We play in the park or in the backyard almost every afternoon. I've grown to love some new foods like pizza, quesadillas, meatballs with apple sauce, jello, blueberry muffins...actually, there's not much I've rejected. Heehee! In fact, I once tried to steal Mami's sandwich- I figured it would be good practice for Mr. Lee's.

I've introduced Mami to Baby, the donkey...

Papi took me on a bike ride around town...

I love to sit out and relax under the sun...

Papi is teaching me how to throw the frisbee and ball around...

and I still love to read during my spare time.

I don't know about Mami and Papi, but after all is said and done...and done...and done, at the end of some days, I'm just completely exhausted. Sometimes, it takes too much work to even lie down.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brand New Boy!

Yesterday, Mami and Papi strapped me into my carseat and said we were going on a ride.

We arrived at a fun looking place called Gel-EE-Beans. They said they loved my gorgeous curls but that I needed a cut. What did they mean?

Come on, it's the hair-blowing-in-the-wind look!

You don't like it?

Oh, I get it! Ms. Blanca is making me Superman!

Wait a minute, what's with the comb?

Ummm... those look sharp! Let me help!

Watch the ears with that buzzing thing!

Okay, I admit it. I look good!