Saturday, November 8, 2008

Back By Popular Demand...

Yes, it has been months since our last update, but it has been quite an eventful summer.

For those of you that hadn't heard, the Roman household grew by five in April. Wait! Don't get nervous. We were just lucky enought to have Titi Joby and her family move in with us for a while. That's right- I had my three cousins (yes, three! Daniel Michael was born in August!) to play with every day, and Mami had her sister to crack up with and borrow shoes from. It was a little piece of heaven, and a whole lot of milk and diapers in one house!

David, Michaella, and I posing for a cousins pose. Daniel had not arrived yet!

Mami became our daily jungle gym. Can you see her under there?

Our summer was full of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, library story time, play group, trips to the park, and lots of lessons about sharing and soft touches. Titi Joby and Mami became masters of mutli-tasking (even more than normal) at dinner, play time, bath time, and they had an incredble routine going. Not to mention that the three cousins (with Daniel looking on from the sidelines) enjoyed every second together. There was rolling, playing, singing, counting, storytelling, and each day ended with night-nights, hugs, and kisses. For David's birthday, we went to Lowry Park Zoo where we played in the water, and fed the animals. We had a blast!

Last week, the Darbouze family went back to NY. Though the house has been a lot more quiet, it has not been less eventful.

I moved into a big boy bed, and as usual, I rocked! Mami and Papi were very excited, despite the middle of the night, where-the-heck-am-I sessions the first couple of days. Now, however, despite once finding me asleep in the center of the floor, I'm a pro! And, thankfully, I sit up and call until somebody comes to get me. Mami and Papi think I haven't figured out that I can get out of the bed by himself...yet! I'm just keeping them guessing!

I have not stopped investigating and exploring this big world around me. I want to figure everything out and do everything by myself. Well...I can try!

This getting dressed thing seems a lot easier when Papi does it.

I am also learning so much. I've even learned how to count to ten! Well, sometimes I skip, but only when I'm in a hurry.

We are in the process of planning my 2nd birthday on Sunday, December 7th. I'll get together with some of my playmates and we'll have lunch, play games, and do lots of "hot dog" dancing (like my buddy Mickey Mouse!). We'll keep you posted!

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