Saturday, December 26, 2009

Shopping 101

This one is especially for Tita! For my birthday, you gave me a shopping cart. I wanted you to know that I figured out this shopping thing and have it down to an art. Here's what I've learned- my own Shopping 101:

Always be prepared to go shopping at a moment's notice. As always, keep essentials stocked in the bottom of the cart for safe-keeping. Basketballs and other sports equipment always qualify as "essentials."

Always have a list and refer to it often. Stop often as you walk through the aisles so people can comment on how adorable you are, and what a big helper you must be. Look at the list again, then proceed. Do not forget to forget about the list when you pass the snacks and cookies aisle.

Unload the cart in priority order. Carbs, like bagels, will naturally go first. Then you can add on the granola so the cashier thinks you watch what you eat. Let Mami unload the cookies you've swiped when she gets to the cashier. Sneaky, but effective!

Take one last look at the aisle signs to see if there is a temptation you've overlooked. Don't worry about the customer behind you- one flash of a smile and you get the "adorable" and "big helper" comments again. Great stalling technique as you try and grab one last bag of M&Ms before the cashier rings up the total.

Load the bags into the car, always reaching for the lighter ones first. Then, stop suddenly and claim that you're too little. Mami and Papi handle the rest!

Thank you for the cart. Mami seems to think it has made her shopping time with me a whole lot easier for her and more entertaining for me. Well, she definitely got the entertaining part right!

Gonzalez Family Reunion 2009

Every couple of years, Mami's family has a huge family reunion. This summer, it was in South Carolina. Besides a short trip to the ER due to a fire ant allergy- that is a whole other story!- we had a great time!
Titi Joby and Tita having a moment!

Daniel Michael having a moment of his own- cute!

Morning pow-wow to review the day's schedule.

The view from the patio of our lodge- nice! Except, that is, for the morning canon shots.
Gotta hate when that happens!

Teaching Daniel about downward facing dog.

Mami and I look on to the volleyball competition.

The blue team takes on the red- the rivalry begins.

The gang with all the kiddos!

Nana gets ready to volley- watch out!

Venessa barely fit in the car. We almost strapped her to the top but she's too much fun.

Isla del Encanto

I took my first trip to Puerto Rico this summer, and it was unbelievable. I'm not just saying that because I'm three. Mami and Papi said it over and over again. There are too many stories to tell and too many photos to post, so here's a collection and some thoughts. Mami and Papi say we'll never wait seven years to go back to the island again!

The plane ride was great. Micky and I loved having our own private theatre!
Mami and I get settled in at the apartment. Thank you Gail!

Old San Juan was beautiful. Here we are at El Morro.
Now this is what I call a view!

Family time out for lunch.

A beso in El Convento, the oldest hotel on the island.

Hola! Check me out in my traditional hat.

Feeding the pigeons in Parque de las Palomas. Mami even let them stand on her arms.

Here I am holding up massive walls. Kidding! But what a great picture overlooking the ocean.

Mami and Papi on a date in Salinas.

Eating a sandwich on the beach- the best way to have lunch!

Hanging out with Papi at the Seven Seas beach near Fajardo.

A visit with the Tios and Titi Edna in Ponce.

A game of dominoes...because what else do you do with family on a Saturday night?

A picture with Papa Tono- my great grandfather who is 94 years old!
Now are those good genes or what?!
A trip to Villalba- Papi's family's home town.

Grandma Rosa and the Rios clan- 9 in all!

The beautiful city of Villalba from an overlook!

A day swimming with Grandma and the familyOne happy family on a vacation we'll never forget!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Three!!!

Well everyone, I'm another year older and wiser! I was lucky enough to have two celebrations for my birthday this year. First, we cut a cake with Grandma Rosa (who was visiting from NYC), Titi Betzy, Gabby, Anthony, Tio Jimmy, and of course, Mami and Papi.
I lay one on Mami while Papi and Grandma pose for a picture.
The best part of any birthday celebration: licking the spatula!

Grandma bought a brand new big boy bike for my birthday. I can't quite reach the pedals, but watch out spring!

This year, I told Mami and Papi that I wanted an all-out Diego theme, so off to work they went! I had an incredible playdate in the backyard and my friends and I had loads of fun. Mami went to town creating stations we could play in, and after pizza, we had Diego cupcakes. We got sweaty and dirty- it was a blast!

Here I am in my Go! Diego Go! party gear. Titi Joby sent me a fabulous vest with a homemade Animal Rescuer patch! It was a hit!

This was the backyard extravaganza. There's Mami on the move!

We had a huge bounce house and had loads of fun bouncing around. The Moms and Dads kept saying how tired we'd be...but we fooled all of them. Haha!

Pizza and juice for lunch, and VIP seating for my very best friend, Soleil, Jiavanni, and Christelle.

Here I am concentrating on my Picasso recreation. We painted a giant mural and decorated it with our masterpieces. What fun!

Jiavanni and I were hard at work on the mural.

My friend Christelle has been in my class at school for two years. She joined us for the party and created her own work of art!

This was one of Mami's play "stations" caleed Feed Sonia the Seal. She borrowed animals from a friend of hers at work and posted them throughout the yard.

Nina bought me an art easel! I have been painting and coloring every day.

PS. I have fallen in love with the movie Cinderella. Honestly, those darn mice are hilarious. And the music is so catchy. Here's my rendition of "A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes." Another entry for America's Funniest Home Video?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer FUN!

This summer has already gotten off to an incredible start. At the beginning of June, Tita and Titi Joby visited from New York/ New Jersey. They brought David (who just turned five! Wow!), Michaella, and Daniel. Our cousin extravaganza began with a two-week vacation. First, Tita took us all to see Nana in Coral Springs. Mami and Papi stayed behind; I still don't understand why they would want to be alone without me that whole time. All I know is that people kept using the words "relaxed," and that Tita taught me how to say "I want you to have another baby." Mami must have thought that was pretty funny because she would laugh uncontrollably and ask me if I wanted a goldfish.

After two weeks (which just didn't seem like enough), Tita, Titi, and the cousins went back home. Since then, Mami, Papi, and I have been enjoying a typical Florida summer, especially when your Mom is a teacher. We joined the YMCA in May and I took a swim class on Saturdays for six weeks. We've been enjoying Storytime at the library, $1 Kidmovies at the movie theatre, swimtime at the pool, playing in the backyard and in the park, and learning how to ride my bike (without pushing it Flintstone-style).
I've also been busy getting healthy. A very good doctor (that loves to give me stickers) put tubes in my ears and took out my adenoids. She said that should make me feel much better. The surgery was quick, but I woke up pretty groggy. The good news was that I was back to normal after just a few hours, and Mami has had a lot less nose-wiping since then. I also have cool ear plugs when I go to the pool or the beach.

There are some goals for this summer too. The biggest one is to learn how to use the potty. I love my Diego pull-ups, the adorable "There's a big boy in this house" song, and changing things up between sitting and standing up to pee, but...well...I can't quite get it every time. I'm working on it. In the meantime, Mami seems very stressed, so I'm trying to remind her not to worry.

And the summer's not over! We have a Family Reunion in South Carolina, and a family vacation to Puerto Rico (my first trip to the island). I can't wait to fill you all in at the end of the summer.
Michaella and I enjoying a movie.
Daniel Michael posing.
Playing at the YMCA splashpool.
A visit to Lowry Park Zoo.
On the merry-go-round with Papi.
Making funny faces with Papi. He calls it "shaving" but I call it hilarious!
Helping Mami with house chores (using my own vacuum).
I don't know why she complains about this- it's so much fun!

Learning to make scrambled eggs with Mami. Stir, stir, stir!