Saturday, December 29, 2007

Welcome 2008!

Boy, we are saying good-bye to 2007 with a bang! After a papi-and-son NYC getaway, where Ricky had his first taste of winter weather and gear, we had a quiet Thanksgiving- just the three of us for a family meal... but December has been anything but. In addition to Abuelita's usual holiday visit, we also had a long weekend with Grandma Rosa, a playdate with Alejandro from New York, a two-week visit from Titi Joby, Tio Michael, David, and Michaella, a birthday, an introduction to whole milk, a fabulous South Beach wedding for our cousin Venessa, a terrible bout of the flu (Tita even had pneumonia), my girlfriend Soleil's baptism, and Christmas. Whew!

Grandma squeezes Anthony and Ricky, the snowbunny!

Look out- here we come! Alejandro and Ricky walking on the boardwalk.

Tita had her hands full with her 3 grandchildren.

Bathtime with cousin Michaella

Posing with Titi Harmony and Soleil!
First, our baby turned ONE!!! What?! We know! A year has passed by so quickly and it is amazing. Our little boy is, running around the house, and using his six teeth to eat everything in sight. He had a crowd of friends and family over for a baseball-themed birthday picnic (yes, in Florida we can have outdoor picnics in December- heehee!) and everyone had a baseball jersey to be part of the team.

Celebrating at daycare with Ms. Sandra and Ms. Lisa

Feliz, feliz en tu dia!

Mami- with Titi Joby and Venessa's help- got creative with her baseball idea!

Ricky is now a pro at running around with his friends!

The whole "team" with their birthday baseball jerseys!

Christmas was tons of fun, although full of Kleenex, cough drops, and antibiotics. Unfortunately, everyone got sick and we seemed to just pass it on to all of our loved ones. Titi and the family got colds, Mami, Papi, and Nana had a terrible cough (one they're still getting over), and before we knew it, Tita was getting x-rays at the hospital for pneumonia. Luckily, she's feeling a lot better and is back to making morning farina and spoiling the baby rotten. It was surreal to think that a year ago, Little Ricky was asleep in his bouncer under the tree and this year, we've had to do some serious training on not yanking ornaments off the tree.

With that said, we are so lucky. Ricky is a wonderful boy with a great personality. He is always smiling and laughing (and drooling), he loves to give hugs and kisses, and his eyes melt Mami and Papi away. We can't wait to see what 2008 has in store!

Happy New Year! We love you all!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We're back...and full of surprises!

We know...we know! It has been ages since our last blog update. With Mami back at work, keeping up with the blog has become quite a project. Nevertheless, we're back...and we've got so much to tell you all!

Last week, as a birthday present to Mom, Little Ricky started walking! Yes, walking! He took three steps, then five, then eight...well, now there's no stopping him! He picks himself up on anything he can find and off he goes! He's a pro!

As you can see, he looks much different than our last trip up North. First, the thighs have arrived! Watch out Michaella and Soleil! And it also seems that the chichos were delivered with a full set of hair! Titi Harmony calls him Donald Trump, but Mami is having loads of fun with the new hair-dos! He's adorable in both the funk and classy styles!

He also has four teeth! He got his first two right after we got back from NYC, and his most recent came in last weekend. Now, we're having fun chewing on all sorts of yummy foods, and trying out all of Mami and Papi's good grub. Ricky loves his arroz con habichuelas, bacalao, and carne molida. That's our boy!

Ricky is doing a great job at daycare. Ms. Sandra and Ms. Lisa love him to pieces, and (besides the typical daycare colds- ughhh!) he's doing great. The last time, we picked him up, all of his friends yelled and waved, "Bye Ricky!" He's already the life of the party! Every Tuesday morning, brave Titi Harmony takes him and Soleil to Baby Storytime at the local library (where he is always trying to impress Soleil with his amazing charm and personality- to no avail so far!), and on Thursday evenings, Mami takes him to playgroup for an hour. On the weekends, he loves going on neighborhood walks with Papi.

Two weeks ago, Abuelita came to visit and we took our first family trip to Sanibel Island. It was absolutely beautiful! Abuelita and Ricky had time to bond every evening, while Mami and Papi went off to "grownup-only" dinners and sunsets. Not a bad deal, huh? Abuelita even took Ricky on a plane from Tampa to Fort Lauderdale to visit Nana- his first time away from home without us!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Big Apple Adventures!

Our long-awaited trip to NYC was this past July. Although Mami was very nervous about the trip, Ricky was unbelievably well-behaved during the airplane rides, sleeping, eating, and laughing with all the neighboring passengers. We spent a week with Papi's family in Brooklyn, where Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed him every day. Mami and Papi even got a chance to go on a date. For those new parents who don't remember what that is: We left the house ALONE, held hands (because Mami didn't have a stroller to push), ate a nice HOT meal AT THE SAME TIME, and didn't watch the clock for the next feeding time. It was wonderful!

Ricky also met his Titi Joby, Tio Michael, and his cousins David and Michaella. Ricky and Michaella competed for the biggest thighs (Ricky lost!) and David loved being the oldest baby in the house. Despite turning Abuelita's single life upside down for two weeks, she was in her glory with her three grandchildren finally all together. Now if we could only convince them all to move closer to us! Heehee! He also met Papi's fraternity brothers (Dennis, Ivan, and Mark), Mami's sorority sisters (Yasmin and Monique, along with little Alejandro), Mami's co-workers from the Bronx, Mami's cousins Wanda and Susana and even his Abuelo Tony!

There were other important firsts, too! Ricky rode the NYC subway and buses for the first time. He looked around in amazement and Mami had a whole new appreciation for those amazing commuting mothers who do it on their own every day- whew! We visited the Central Park Zoo and watched as David and Nino (David calls Rick "Nino," short for Padrino) climb rocks and play catch.

We've been home for a couple of weeks now, and Mami is preparing to go back to work. (Those of you who would like to send their condolences are welcome to do so.) Abuelita will come for a week or two to help with the transition before taking Ricky to stay with a wonderful woman named Ms. Sandra who will take care of him. She'll tell Ms. Sandra not to tell her anything new that Ricky does while she's at work, so it will always be the first time at home! Ignorance is bliss, right?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Loads of Firsts!

Well, Little Ricky has reached the six month mark! Can you believe it? Along with that, there have been tons of developments:
1. He has mastered rolling over from his back onto his belly. He flips and lifts his head as if to say, "Look what I can do!" The only downfall is that he hasn't quite figured out how to flip back, so he gets stuck and frustrated after a little while.

2. The daily menu has expanded! We have added rice, oatmeal, and veggies (sweet potato and squash, so far) to lunch and dinner, and the baby is a pro at eating off of his spoon. We do have to work a bit harder at shoveling the grub into his mouth fast enough; otherwise, there is quite a bit of grunting to be dealt with. He actually has a bit of an attitude about his food- I think he gets that from his mother. It has also made diaper changing very...interesting!

3. Our son is a fish- and a cute one at that! He had his first swimming experience and he seemed to really love it. We spent our 7th wedding anniversary in Orlando and had a chance to take a dip with our cutie-pie. He got plenty of attention- we're not sure if it was the usual big eyes and smile, or if the addition of the super floatie, his shades, or his Nemo trunks that did the trick. Heehee! Besides being attacked by a floating alligator, we had a great time and discovered what happens when Papi is in charge of the suntan lotion.

4. We think Ricky is definitely teething. It could be that he is beginning to chew on everything! Most times it is his hand, but other times Mom's face or a foot works too.

Besides that, Ricky has been spending plenty of time with his best buddy (and potential future wife) Soleil. He doesn't seem to mind that she's not paying him very much attention yet, and seems pretty satisfied that her arm tastes just as good as his own.

We'll have our first beach outing this weekend to celebrate Father's Day, and are happy to say that our next blog update should be all about our first airplane ride and trip to NYC! We can't wait!