Thursday, June 14, 2007

Loads of Firsts!

Well, Little Ricky has reached the six month mark! Can you believe it? Along with that, there have been tons of developments:
1. He has mastered rolling over from his back onto his belly. He flips and lifts his head as if to say, "Look what I can do!" The only downfall is that he hasn't quite figured out how to flip back, so he gets stuck and frustrated after a little while.

2. The daily menu has expanded! We have added rice, oatmeal, and veggies (sweet potato and squash, so far) to lunch and dinner, and the baby is a pro at eating off of his spoon. We do have to work a bit harder at shoveling the grub into his mouth fast enough; otherwise, there is quite a bit of grunting to be dealt with. He actually has a bit of an attitude about his food- I think he gets that from his mother. It has also made diaper changing very...interesting!

3. Our son is a fish- and a cute one at that! He had his first swimming experience and he seemed to really love it. We spent our 7th wedding anniversary in Orlando and had a chance to take a dip with our cutie-pie. He got plenty of attention- we're not sure if it was the usual big eyes and smile, or if the addition of the super floatie, his shades, or his Nemo trunks that did the trick. Heehee! Besides being attacked by a floating alligator, we had a great time and discovered what happens when Papi is in charge of the suntan lotion.

4. We think Ricky is definitely teething. It could be that he is beginning to chew on everything! Most times it is his hand, but other times Mom's face or a foot works too.

Besides that, Ricky has been spending plenty of time with his best buddy (and potential future wife) Soleil. He doesn't seem to mind that she's not paying him very much attention yet, and seems pretty satisfied that her arm tastes just as good as his own.

We'll have our first beach outing this weekend to celebrate Father's Day, and are happy to say that our next blog update should be all about our first airplane ride and trip to NYC! We can't wait!

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