Saturday, December 29, 2007

Welcome 2008!

Boy, we are saying good-bye to 2007 with a bang! After a papi-and-son NYC getaway, where Ricky had his first taste of winter weather and gear, we had a quiet Thanksgiving- just the three of us for a family meal... but December has been anything but. In addition to Abuelita's usual holiday visit, we also had a long weekend with Grandma Rosa, a playdate with Alejandro from New York, a two-week visit from Titi Joby, Tio Michael, David, and Michaella, a birthday, an introduction to whole milk, a fabulous South Beach wedding for our cousin Venessa, a terrible bout of the flu (Tita even had pneumonia), my girlfriend Soleil's baptism, and Christmas. Whew!

Grandma squeezes Anthony and Ricky, the snowbunny!

Look out- here we come! Alejandro and Ricky walking on the boardwalk.

Tita had her hands full with her 3 grandchildren.

Bathtime with cousin Michaella

Posing with Titi Harmony and Soleil!
First, our baby turned ONE!!! What?! We know! A year has passed by so quickly and it is amazing. Our little boy is, running around the house, and using his six teeth to eat everything in sight. He had a crowd of friends and family over for a baseball-themed birthday picnic (yes, in Florida we can have outdoor picnics in December- heehee!) and everyone had a baseball jersey to be part of the team.

Celebrating at daycare with Ms. Sandra and Ms. Lisa

Feliz, feliz en tu dia!

Mami- with Titi Joby and Venessa's help- got creative with her baseball idea!

Ricky is now a pro at running around with his friends!

The whole "team" with their birthday baseball jerseys!

Christmas was tons of fun, although full of Kleenex, cough drops, and antibiotics. Unfortunately, everyone got sick and we seemed to just pass it on to all of our loved ones. Titi and the family got colds, Mami, Papi, and Nana had a terrible cough (one they're still getting over), and before we knew it, Tita was getting x-rays at the hospital for pneumonia. Luckily, she's feeling a lot better and is back to making morning farina and spoiling the baby rotten. It was surreal to think that a year ago, Little Ricky was asleep in his bouncer under the tree and this year, we've had to do some serious training on not yanking ornaments off the tree.

With that said, we are so lucky. Ricky is a wonderful boy with a great personality. He is always smiling and laughing (and drooling), he loves to give hugs and kisses, and his eyes melt Mami and Papi away. We can't wait to see what 2008 has in store!

Happy New Year! We love you all!

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