Monday, May 2, 2011

Disney World, baby!!!

This year, Mami and Papi decided that our spring break would be spent at none other than...Disney World! Perhaps it was because I'm now 4 and am not completely freaked out by super-large, fabric, pretend animals that seem larger than life. Perhaps it was because I can recite one-liners and break into Disney theme songs at a whim. Who knows? What I do know is that I was awe-stricken from the time I got there to the time Papi carried me away that night.

We started our adventure at Disney's Animal Kingdom. I leaned out the side of the safari ride and watched the incredible animals, up close and personal. From the gazelles and white rhinos to the lions and elephants, I had to be convinced- I swore that lion asked me to pet him- to keep my hands inside the jeep.

While Mami and Papi have had their share of NYC Broadway shows, I never got a chance...until the Finding Nemo show! Wow! I couldn't get enough...and who knew that Marlin and Dory could take time out to visit me in Orlando?!

At Magic Kingdom, we started our morning with a royal start. The king and queen of Disney- Mickey and Minnie themselves- were amazing. Minnie even kissed my Mickey doll- the one that Titi Milin gave me three years ago.

Each of the princesses spent time talking with me, although I think they may have been distracted by my striking resemble to their Prince Charmings...yes, all of them.

I loved Snow White, but did take the opportunity to warn her, "Please don't eat that apple."

I think Belle forgot all about her Beast. He had nothin' on me!

Cinderella asked me when I was going to find my princess, and Mami yelled, "When he's 45!"

Sleeping Beauty said I looked as strong as the fiery dragon. I think I can take him!

The shows were spectacular! Boy, those Disney characters can boogie!

After two Disney days, we all needed some R&R. Luckily, the pool and waterfall were just what we needed. And I got a chance to practice my fish imitations. Mami and Papi don't know how I learned, but I keep telling them I'm a natural. Just look at the stroke!

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