Monday, March 19, 2007

So much fun!

Ever since Ricky started laughing, we have found ourselves doing everything possible to get it out of him. But the most successful of all has been his new best friend. "Tickle Me" Curious George has by far won the kid over. He has tickle points under his arms, on his feet, and on his belly, and he laughs aloud. While I at times find it a little frightening, Ricky absolutely loves it. He has also made a new discovery...his feet! It seems as though one day he was looking down and...there they were! It's hysterical how he gets fixated on them and how they move (although I'm not sure if he's figured out that he actually moves them).

We also made it to our first Apollo Beach festival last weekend. It was a beautiful day and we met up with Titi Betzy and Cousins Gabby and Anthony.

The bad news: Daddy and I think Ricky's getting a bit too big for his bassinet. That means that we'll have to start getting him used to sleeping in his crib during nap time, and eventually have him sleep there at night. Yes, he'll have to sleep ALL THE WAY on the other side of the house in his room- a full 68 steps from our room (I've counted!). Needless to say, I am having a slightly hard time coming to grips with this one. We'll keep you posted on how I- I mean, he- does with the new change.

In a couple of weeks we'll be visiting Nana and the Santiago family in Coral Springs. We'll also be counting down to our trip to NYC in July (that means you people have plenty of time to get rid of all of that snow before we arrive). We have our cousins David and our newest cousin Michaella to meet, and Abuelita and Grandma have plenty of spoiling to catch up on!

Here are some more pics to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

He is abosulutely gorgeous and so is the blog. My favorite is the picture of him and daddy napping! How precious. Enjoy every second. He'll be running before you know it! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello.....Ricky is just gorgeous, every picture I see his smiling....God bless him. Thanks
for sharing this wonderful moments me.

love always,