Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mother's Day Fun!

We knew this year would be extra special but we had no idea how full of surprises it would be! On Tuesday, May 8th, we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma kept her Mother's Day/ Gabby's birthday Florida visit tradition- 3 years in a row. The visit was extra nice since it was actually Grandpa's first time seeing little Ricky. He could hardly contain himself; he even made the premature purchase of little Ricky's first baseball glove. Since he is not quite ready for the baseball diamond or the schoolyard yet, we have him breaking in his glove and taking warm up reps in his crib. Note: he fully suits up for his drills- he is wearing his slugger shirt and his baseball cleats (not pictured). And since we are in an era of extra competitive athletes, his baseball drills are followed by drills in basketball and soccer...just in case!

It was a quiet but enjoyable couple of days- that is, until late Thursday night. We were waiting for Grandpa and Jimmy to arrive from the airport with Jimmy's dad. Actually, the flight was delayed and our energy was slowly fading...

until we were met with the hollars of, not Jimmy's dad, but twelve- yes, twelve- Roman family members who came to spend the weekend with us: Celi, Milin, Monchi, Marilyn, Ivy, Bobby, Layla, Olivia, Mario, Olga, Amanda, and Junior! YEAH! You don't believe me ... here they are pictured in my backyard.

And just when we thought it couldn't get better, it did! Abuelita Lydia had joined the crowd and when she popped up out of nowhere, the video camera was practically flung across the room. It was fantastic! She and Grandma Rosa took turns giving ample grandmother spoiling time.

The weekend was very busy, to say the least. On Friday, most of the crowd went to Disney and others stayed behind to become Wii champions. On Saturday, we celebrated cousin Gabriella's eighth birthday with a big BBQ and time in the jacuzzi. On Mother's Day, we hosted a Barbecue at our house and the family was able to take some sun. We think Grandpa said it best when he said, "These are the best three days of my life!" He promised to tell little Ricky all about it when he got older.