Friday, April 6, 2007

Road Trip!

We've just been on our first road trip to Coral Springs and we had a fantastic time! We stayed with the Santiago family and Nana (a great-grandma five times over), and Titi was a pro at making Ricky laugh and putting him down for naps. Nana played with him every morning...that is, between her traditional breakfast outings, aerobics classes, and work schedule. And as usual, Rick and I were embarrased that our 77 year old grandmother had busier days than we normally do. Pitiful!

We had a very busy weekend! On Friday, we celebrated Sebastian's 2nd birthday and taught him the best way to eat birthday cake- with your fingers! On Sunday, we went to Miami to see Laura, Tony, and Elena, who is so big. We visited Dona Maria and Don Carlos, who reminisced about taking care of Jomar and I when we were little and worked hard to convince us to move closer to them so they could babysit. On Monday, we met up with Rick's childhood friend Suzie who recently moved to Florida from Brooklyn.

Since we've been home, there have already been some exciting developments. First, Little Ricky has become an expert at using that heartbreaking bembe- you know, the infamous puffed up bottom lip that can get you to buy him a car if he asked for one. Uh oh! Second, he has been sleeping in his crib for the past two nights...yes, in his nursery! Rick and I moved the rocker and all of his things out of our bedroom, and after crying for a half-hour, Rick suggested that we sleep in the guest room until we're comfortable. In other words, the parents have to transition- how funny! Also, Ricky now sits up in his Bumbo chair all by himself. I think he likes to feel like a big boy. Finally, we said hello to our newest friend, and perhaps future wife, Soleil. She was born on Thursday, March 29th and they are bound to be best buds since Harmony's mother will be taking care of both of them when she and I go back to work in August. Exciting!